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Business Data Applications

Business Data Applications, Inc

Contract Management for Health Care
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The best in contract management

Creators of The Healthy Contracts CLM for Healthcare

BDA Applications

Only the best

Who we serve

Business Data Applications, Inc. delivers the Healthy Contracts CLM, a cornerstone data management platform for Healthcare Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM).  Whether you are a large for profit healthcare delivery organization with enterprise level objectives or a rural community health center serving the underserved, we can help.  

Charge Forward

Business Roadmaps Built Exactly To Your Needs

Healthcare contracts are ever-changing, evolving, and the primary source of litigation. You rely upon them to minimize risk, maximize opportunities, achieve compliance and generate revenue. Scalable, cloud-based, and built on AWS Platform and developed by Business Data Applications, Inc. Our solution simplifies day-to-day searching, originating, and contract administration with the Healthy Contracts CLM for Healthcare.

You will enjoy access by responding to one of our many informative, automatic calendar or email reminder notifications or by opening purposeful scheduled reports with rich data and by simply logging in to experience our powerful “Search” and “Find” functionality that helps you get to the exact file, document or attachment you’re looking for easily and accurately.

Our Specialties

Our “Search” and “Find” functionality makes getting your documentation easy

Business Associate Agreements Management

Provider Timesheets

General and Custom Automated Workflow

Non-Monetary Compensation Management

Custom Assessments and Surveys

Easy to Use & Comprehensive


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